ENOSPC: No space left on device @ io_write LinuxAdmin by blog_1buq8n - December 10, 20210 Our AWS production server is EC2 instance with 100GB disk space and 16GB RAM. The application is based on ruby on rails. From past 1 year application is running fine. Suddenly we started getting ENOSPC:no space left on device @ io_write error with production application stopped working. I kept on looking for bigger size files and I was surprised to see 70GB production.log file size. Everything is Broke - Check All Logs Once this error came, you can not create any new file on server, all the services were down. Apachepsqlpassenger We have increased disk space from 100GB to 200GB but that did not help and 'lsblk' was still showing as 100GB. Rails log The last log from the rails application is
Rails DB Migration Failed Due To Duplicate Column LinuxAdmin by blog_1buq8n - November 20, 20210 I had recently added one column in postgres database, After the db migration, I wanted to update same migration file instead of creating new migrations. So I had added one new column in existing migration file and tried to run migrations again. Landed up with rails DB migration failed due to duplicate column. Problem Statement Caused by:PG::DuplicateColumn: ERROR: column 01:17 deploy:migrate[deploy:migrate] Checking changes in db[deploy:migrate] Run rake db:migrate01:19 deploy:migrating01 ~/.rvm/bin/rvm 2.7.0 do bundle exec rake db:migrate 01 rake aborted!01 StandardError: An error has occurred, this and all later migrations canceled: Step zero analysis Check all migration - rails db:migrate status Status Migration ID Migration Name -------------------------------------------------- up 20211007025051 ********** NO FILE **********
How To Setup 2FA On AWS Cloud Server LinuxAdmin by blog_1buq8n - October 25, 2021October 25, 20210 You are using AWS cloud with all the security modules enabled along with Cloudflare account. This alone does not keep your account safe from prying eyes. So making use of two two-factor authentication (2FA) is best way to secure your cloud account. Also 2FA is an very essential element of cybersecurity. These days with increase in work from home due to ongoing COVID-19 pandemic online security of your account is must. So lets start from basic to advanced on how to setup 2FA on AWS cloud server running Ubuntu system. What is Two Factor Authentication There are different authenticator services such as Authy, Google Authenticator and Microsoft Authenticator. It is difficult to to say which is best 2FA authentication as
Phusion Passenger Preloader Error Solved by blog_1buq8n - September 30, 2021October 7, 20210 You are on this page means, there is not much information on Error ID - c51399ee on google. Hope this post on how to solve phusion passenger preloader error might save your day. Well the LoadError comes from a failure by Ruby to load the phusion passenger.so module. The Secret of Error ID: c51399ee I am using - ruby 2.7.0p0 (2019-12-25 revision 647ee6f091) [aarch64-linux] , this issue appears on ARM - aarch64 based system and it works well with ruby 2.7.0p0 (2019-12-25 revision 647ee6f091) [x86_64-linux-gnu]. You can check apache error log from your /var/log/apach2 directory. $ tail -100 /var/log/apache2/error.log App 2001 stderr: /usr/bin/passenger-config:27:in `require': cannot load such file -- phusion_passenger (LoadError) App 2001 stderr:
Calibrate STPM32/33 For Smart Energy Meter embedded by neudeep - August 21, 2021October 30, 20210 In this tutorial, we will see how to calibrate STPM32/33. STPM32 is an ASSP (Application Specific Standard Product) for metering applications. It is designed for measurement of power and energies in a power line with high accuracy. It provides instantaneous voltage and currents, active, reactive and apparent powers, and energies. Lets start with how to Calibrate STPM32/33 For Digital Smart Energy Meter. Introduction To Energy Calibration Calibration is the process of comparing reading on one piece of equipment or system, with another piece of equipment. The other piece of equipment that has been calibrated and referenced to a known set of parameters. After the design phase, any tolerance of the real components from these values or device internal parameter drift can
How To Interface GPS With BeagleBone Green BBGW by blog_1buq8n - August 8, 2021August 19, 20210 This post discuss on how to connect and test your BeagleBone Green wireless with NEO-6M GPS module. After reading this article you will know how to play with the u-blox NEO-6M global positioning system (GPS) module. These days NEO-6m is a very popular, cost-effective GPS module. So lets get started with How To Interface GPS With BeagleBone Green board. Introduction To NEO-6M GPS Module You can easily check all NMEA 0813-National Marine Electronics Association - statements using this module. NEO-6m module works well with a DC input from 3.3- to 5-V range. That means it can easily powered up from your Raspberry Pi, Arduino, ESP32, or Beaglebone board. NEO-6M GPS module comes up with UART interface. You might have noticed that
Update Beaglebone Green To Latest Image BBGW by blog_1buq8n - July 21, 2021July 21, 20210 It is time to upgrade default image on BBGW - BeagleBone Green Wireless board. This guide details out steps on Update Beaglebone Green To Latest Image. My default image on BBGW is “BeagleBoard.org Debian Image 2016-06-14”. The command dog cat will tell you what image you are at in BBGW. $cat /etc/dogtagThe default Wi-Fi access point password for latest flasher images is “BeagleBone-A490”. This image comes as default when you buy BBGW in India. Few of the reason to upgrade to new image is, Difficulty in connecting to internet with old image. New uEnv.txt format will not work on this image, and you will have difficulty while communicating with UART, I2C and other peripherals. There are quite guides on Writing
BBGW And MQTT Broker Using Desktop BBGW by blog_1buq8n - July 3, 2021September 29, 20210 In the previous post we have seen different ways to connect BBGW - BeagleBone Green Wireless board with Wi-Fi and unboxing BBGW for the fist time. This post is about how to test BBGW and MQTT Broker using desktop or laptop. When building IoT applications it is good practice to send test data using your desktop or laptop. This makes sure that your IoT application built using either flutter or android works fine. This will also help to reduce the waiting time for actual firmware and hardware getting ready. The mobile application developer can test and run his application without actual hardware. This technique can save you a lot of time and energy for the rest of your project development. MQTT
How To Connect BBGW To Internet BBGW by blog_1buq8n - July 3, 2021September 28, 20210 This post covers getting started with Beaglebone Green Wireless and connecting to internet using BBGW Wi-Fi. Received BBGW (BeagleBone Green Wireless) a customized BeagleBone from SeeedStudio. If you have used BBB (BeagleBone Black) then you might notice few difference like there is no 5V DC Jack socket in BBGW. I had trouble connecting to internet from BBGW. Lets get started with How To Connect BBGW To Internet. If you have LCD cape and USB keyboard, you can setup Wi-Fi easily on BBGW. Lets get started with setting up without LCD cape and using command line. First Power Up BBGW There are lot of guide on setting up BBGW via USB. It is pretty straightforward, connect the USB to your computer/laptop, It
WordPress Error Establishing Database Connection Solved by blog_1buq8n - February 12, 2021July 6, 20210 There are lot of good articles on web with generic solutions to the problem of WordPress Error Establishing Database Connection, this post discuss about issue occurred during site migration to latest webhosting server. Wordpress Webserver Environment This issue is related to wordpress site migration to new cloud hosting server. The old webhosting server has following configuration The PHP version associated with wordpress site as PHP 5.3, WordPress version is 5.1.8 and MySQL version 5.1 which is also deprecated. The current website is running good from past few years, but with recent development it was required to upgrade. Since few plugins were not supported on PHP 5.3 and so we have decided to migrate the wordpress website to new cloud hosting