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Port Modbus Slave Stack On ATSAME54

We are referring modbus server stack implementation for SAM3X and We want to port it on SAME54P20A. First we have downloaded the example project for SAME54P20A which is using Usart_Asynchrnous module from Atmel START. Then create new top level directory for project files. Following files needs modification while porting, they are present in sub directory named ‘port’ which will contain all port specific files,

  • portserial.c
  • porttimer.c
  • portevent.c
  • portother.c
  • port.h

Atmel start project is having makefile in sub-directory ‘gcc’. Add these port specific files paths in makefile. Then add modbus stack folder to top level directory which is having all the modbus specific functions. For compilation we hav to add these all file paths in makefile which is in gcc directory. We have to first check the ‘port.h’ file whether it is suitable for our platform. If not ,then we have to define platform specific functions for serial interface,timer driver.

portserial.c: In this file there are functions for initializing USART, enabling and disabling USART module, enabling and disabling the receiver and transmitter. For enabling and disabling transmitter and receiver, we need to use corresponding low level API’s of ATSAME54P20A from ‘hri’ folder. The reference code for ATSAm3S:

Changes we have to do for ATSAME54:

In reference program for SAM3X they are using vUSARTHandler() interrupt handler in which they are checking for Rx or Tx interrupt invoked according to that respective xMBPortSerialGetByte(), xMBPortSerialPutByte() functions are called.

For SAME54P20A, there is an API- ‘usart_async_register_callback()’ so instead of ‘vUSARTHandler’, we have to create two different interrupt service routines one is for Rx interrupt and another for Tx interrupt.

portimer.c: The modbus protocol stack requires timer for detection of end of the frame. There are API’s available in SAME54P20A timer driver for initializing ,enabling and disabling the timer. For SAM3X they are using timer interrupt function TCX_IRQHANDLER() which is calling pxMBPortCBTimerExpired() function.

For ATSAME54P20A, there is timer task structure. So instead of using timer_handler we have to initialize timer structure which is having callback function in which we will call ‘pxMBPortCBTimerExpired()’ function.

If you are using FreeRTOS in your project then you need to modify ‘portevent.c’, We are not using rtos in our project so will not discuss on updating portevent functions. In next section we will update on it.
